Google launched a new search engine named Google Dataset Search. This search engine is still in beta mode. That means Google is still experimenting with search engines. Google will launch this new search engine officially within a few months after the end of this experiment.

New Search Engine

Why the new search engine

Google has a search engine, why did they create another search engine? The new search engine has created Google with a special purpose. Google has created this search engine, keeping in mind those who are mainly involved in various empirical activities or affiliated with school college students or journalism. But that does not mean that the search engines will not be useful to the common man. The general public can also use this search engine if you are curious to know more about a particular topic.

Google to know the information

Suppose, a researcher doing a research on the French Revolution. Or a college or school student should create a project report on the history of French Revolution. Or suppose the plane accident happened somewhere. To know about the news, a journalist has to know the information about where a large aircraft accident happened in the past. In these cases, they must take the help of internet for information about French Revolution or Aircraft Accident, or more clearly if you ask for help from Google search engine.

General search engine problems

One of the common search engines is that we cannot verify the credibility of the information. We all know that the Internet is the information sea of ​​fact. That means if you want to know information on a topic here, then millions of websites on that topic will show you Google search engine.

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If you type plane crash in order to know about French revolution or plane crash in order to know about the French Revolution in the general Google search engine, Google will show you about 39 million web pages and about 20 million web sites, respectively. But the biggest question is, we do not know which information is available on the websites of those websites, and there is a mistake in the website’s information. That is, we believe in the information given on some websites, it is a big problem. This is because it is a fact that there is a lot of information on any subject on the Internet, but a large part of that information is wrong or false.


Then the way?

What is the right way to know what information is on the Internet? The way is Google’s new search engine dataset. The new search engine dataset will meet the eligibility of Google’s general search engine to get the right information. The Dataset search engine will search the Internet and show you only those websites which are not recognized by any website and whose information is not inaccurate.

For example, if you search for information about the French Revolution in the Dataset search engine, then this search engine will show you only the information about the French Revolution on the website of various Universities and Historical Research Institutions around the world. If you want to know information about planets, stars or other space items, but the Dataset search engine will show you information posted on the website of the United States government agency NASA and other such organizations. That is, in one word, Google’s new search engine will give you accurate and reliable information on important topics, which Google’s general search engine can not always give you.

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Beta Stage

As already mentioned, Google’s new search engine is now in beta stage. The search engine will take more than a few months to fully start. So now you will not get enough information on any topic with this search engine. However, Google has already talked to various universities, colleges and other organizations in the world, such as NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), Propublica etc., so that the information of those organizations is available with the help of this search engine.


Schema markup standard

Google has already asked those organizations in the world to use the schema markup standards on their webpage, with the help of dataset search engines to easily locate information from different organizations. Webpage markup is one of the methods that the Internet search engine finds on the website for easy information and easily puts it in the top of the search result.

Report feedback

Dataset search engine is still in beta stage. So before launching officially, Google wants to have a ‘bug’ or error in this search engine. That’s why Google has applied on this, if anyone has problems using this new search engine now, or if there is any opinion on how to improve the search engine, then they should tell Google. For this reason, the Google Dataset has the ‘Feedback’ option on the top right of the search engine page.

How to send feedback

Search the search with a keyword in the dataset search engine. When the search engine shows search results, there will be feedback options at the top right of the page. By clicking on it you will be able to give your opinion about this new search engine.

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