Best Discord Bots,best discord bots for moderation

Discord is a superb messaging and digital distribution platform. There you can do lots of things. Discord mainly used by gamers. Gamers use it for creating their Community or stabilizing communication with their Community. If you are a gamer you can also create a Discord server free of cost but after creating a server you must have to use a Discord bot for managing your Discord server.

So today I am going to share the Top 6 Best Discord bots list with you.

GAwesome Bot

GAwesome Bot

GAwesome Bot is really an awesome bot. It is the best bot of Discord. It is best for all types of servers not only for Gaming servers. GAwesomeBot was designed to bring more activity to your server and control your members. There are some main features of GAwesome Bot.

  • Youtube videos, Google search results, Reddit browser
  • GIF + Image search and easy meme-making feature
  • In-chat polls
  • Kick and ban
  • ModLogs
  • Giveaways
  • Members ranks
  • Weather and time feature and many more features.

Trivia Bot

Trivia Bot

Trivia Bot is perfect for you if you want to play some games and have some fun. Trivia featuring three modes of play and 24 categories, quizzes and including Anime & Manga, Video Games, Sports, Science, and more. Play trivia in standard multiple-choice, reaction mode, and hangman on the Discord server.

  • Different questions every time
  • Offers community rewards
  • Free leaderboards for all
  • Create and join teams
  • Multiple Languages Supported And many more features.



Zandercraft Bot has some really cool unique features. It’s able to perform various tasks, ranging from easy server moderation to having fun on your Discord serve chat.

  • A full-fledged package that lays emphasis on chat
  • Ability to play XHD (extra HD), Hi-Fi music
  • Best for video and music Discord server bot
  • GIFs, and fun bot, And many more features.
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Memez Bot


MemezBot offers unlimited memes with no cooldowns. it allows users to either pull random memes from his database or if the user is in his discord they get access to a constantly updated meme channel.

  • Unlimited memes without any slowdown
  • Constantly updated memes
  • Memes are from various subreddits
  • Constantly growing and removing broken memes And many more features.

MEE6 Bot

MEE6 Bot

MEE6 Bot is the best moderation bot for Discord. But it can be used to automatically scan your server for rule violations such as foul language, spam, spoilers, and outside links. You can configure the MEE6 bot to either mute, kick, or permanently ban a user after they commit a certain number of infractions over a given period of time.

  • Best moderation bot
  • Automatically scan your server for rule violations
  • Instant kick and ban feature
  • You can configure the MEE6 Bot
  • You can program the bot for his actions And many more features.



ProBot is a very customizable multipurpose bot for welcome images, In-depth logs, Social commands, Music, Moderation, and many more. ProBot lets you design your own welcome images that include user avatar and user name and welcome your users for you!

  • Best Welcomer
  • Anti-raid Protection
  • MultiLingual
  • Auto Responder
  • Best for Auto Moderation
  • Leveling System
  • Reaction Role
  • High Quality Music