Thank you for inviting me to write this guest post. I am Jie Liang a Sound and Security system specialist. I manage the website of my company and created a blog below will be the link to my website and blog.



I will not be writing anything related to sound and security system in this post. Instead, I will write about something more important that everyone should know. How blogging generate leads for my company? Most company out there have missed out on this. They concentrate on their website but are not doing further into creating a lead for the website.

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In the current generation having a presence in the online world is a must. Letting people know what your company is doing and what product you are selling. The more people you are able to reach the chances of new lead increases too. Creating of the website is the first step of creating lead there are even more hard work you have to do if you wish to be rank on the google search or for the certain keyword relate to your website. Here I will share on how I create lead to my website using an alternative method.

Bringing the company onto the net

The first step of letting people know about your existence is creating a website and constantly promoting it on social media. People who visit website usually do not like to read long winded paragraph they will prefer to read a short description of the service and product on the website. With this, many important messages will be miss out on the site. But that does not mean you don’t let people know of these important messages so what is the alternative you can use for all those messages?

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I personally have tried creating a blog and using it to educate everyone on the service and product my company is providing. In a blog, you are able to write a long essay or research you have done but it must stay in compliance with your company protection of trade secret. You do not wish to end in some legal issue.

How does blog bring leads to your company website?

The reader who visit blog usually likes to read up on more details regarding a certain topic. So, on a blog, you will be able to express yourself and let your thoughts flow when writing it. Do not restrict yourself as it will also restrict the leads you can get.

With a blog you can go into more in-depth details on the services and product. I will always believe in letting people know the expertise I have to create trust in the people I work with. The blog will be where I will input my knowledge on and also where I will ask my client to visit to understand the knowledge I have.

This is also where I elaborate on my services and bring leads over to my website if people are interested in using my service. Creating trust in my blog and bring it over to my website.

How do you get people to your blog?

-Existing Client

As I said my first step to bring reader is introduce it to my client. This will build a stronger trust as they will be able to witness the knowledge I have and also trust me in following up with the current technology for them.

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-Social Media

Promoting on social media. I did not create social media for my blog but instead, I used my company page to promote the blog. Why do I do it this way? As I write about newly available technology in the market, people will actually believe that this company have it too since it is promoted in the company page. This is where leads on the new technology start coming in.

-Input image with Company Logo

Some of the images which are related to my company are actually placed with company logo. This is to create awareness on my blog that there is a company in this field around. Creating awareness is an important step for a company to get new leads.


SEO is important if you want to rank your blog in the google search. With better ranking means the better chance of getting new reader onto your blog.

-Work with existing blogger

I have talked to several bloggers and they are actually helping me to advertise for free. Yes, it is free. Build a good relationship with another blogger and they will actually start helping you. This is very important as it works just like how words of mouth work. You will always trust what your friend share so to say I actually manage to reach out to his circle of friend too.

-Guest Post

If you manage to read to here mean I have already created awareness to you. There is a higher chance you will visit my site. So, engage with a guest post and promote it so your reach can be even further.

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To sum things up. The website is where you briefly describe what your company is doing as a reader does not like a longwinded paragraph. While Blog is where you can go into more in-depth details of the service your company do. You can create leads to your website to the use of blogging. Additional hard work will be required in this to bring more reader to your blog.

More reader on your blog = More chance of leads to your website

If you enjoy this post feel free to visit my blog to read on my post that I have written.